As you can see...I'm so incredibly sporadic with my blogging that I have probably lost all my bloggy friends...but hopefully you'll all pop in and actually get to read something new.
I have learned, although I always knew, that I am a forward thinker. I am always looking for the next best thing. Rather than jumping the hurdle right in front of me I'm already thinking about the finish line, or the next race. What I'm saying is that I'm not good at living in the moment. everything else I do in life, when something bothers me, or puzzles me, or I just need to know all the facts...I turn to my researching. Call it a gift, call it a skill, call it what you will...I am an expert researcher. If I could get paid to do nothing but research all day I would have finally found the job I'm a shoe in for. But I digress. So today I have researched every thing under the sun as the "living in the moment" thing has become the newest addition to my ever growing list of New Years resolutions...although funny enough they all generally relate to the same thing. Happiness. I want to stop being negative. I want to stop gossiping. I want to be happier. And now, I want to "live in the moment". I looked into a gratitude journal, which led me to a blog where someone was talking about their list of things that make them happy. Not necessarily things they are grateful for...although in a roundabout way it's the same thing. And then I came across this website. For all those that don't feel like clicking on the link it's called 1000 Awesome Things. And the more I read the more I thought "oh man...I love that too". It's the greatest website. So I have decided I want to start a list like that. Although due to copyright laws I should probably come up with a new name. How about 1001 Awesome Things?? Just kidding, but I do need a title. Maybe I'll make a list of my favorite things. Being an extremest this shouldn't be hard because it seems like EVERYTHING is my absolute favorite thing. You may remember a post I had about extremes from my previous blog but basically for those that are new to this...I either love things or I hate things. Things are either going great or they're over. It's either too full or empty. If I had a nickel for every time I uttered a phrase like "this is the best song EVER" I'd probably be writing this blog from the comfort of my lanai in Jamaica. So maybe "a few of my favorite things" will be the title of this adventure. Not sure. I also haven't decided if I'm going to do this in a journal or on here. I think it would be fun to it on here and possibly even it might inspire someone else.
Well I'm make my list. Happy New Year!!!
What's new with Sarah-Lou-Boo?? Well, I'm finding my own happiness. Check back all the time to find out what's on my mind...
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Random Ramblings...
So my book club friend and I were talking about different books today. She told me that her favorite author is Jodi Picoult. I mentioned that another girl we work with said how disappointing she was. Then again...the latter person is Ms. Pessimistic herself so I don't put a lot of stock in what she says. Of course after Amy (book club friend) told me how brilliant Jodi Picoult was I HAD to read something of hers. I checked the library but no dice there. All checked out. Now...I have this horrible problem where if I get something on my mind that I want (ie: a book, a song, a movie, etc) I MUST have it...immediately. Its definitely not a good trait to possess, but one I possess anyway. Amy said she'd bring me the book tomorrow but that just wasn't going to work. What would I read tonight? Well I ended up going to her house to get it. I think Jodi has 16 books and I hope she's as good as everyone says, so I can have something to read for a long time. This particular book is Nineteen Minutes. From what I got from Amy its about this boy that was picked on horribly his entire life and eventually he snaps...and becomes a school shooter. Being a bleeding heart liberal (as my boss/friend so kindly put it today) I am sure I will find this book especially interesting. While I obviously don't condone killing (I'm against it in ALL ways, shapes, and forms...not just against it in a way that suits my beliefs) I do see why these people turn to these horrific crime. Kids can be cruel...horrible. Bullying should be a no tolerance offense. I was never bullied...but I was the victim of incredibly hurtful words in middle school...and I remember the name of the kid that did it as well as the words that were said..and the class it was in. Mrs. Callendrella to be exact...and I don't remember ANYTHING...much less middle school teachers needless to say...I'll never ever forget. Anyway...I feel for those kids being bullied just as much as I feel for the people affected by these senseless shootings. I will let you know how the book is...and if you have read her books, please let me know what you thought!!!
I have an obsession. A horrible obsession. A very very fattening obsession...but this one ranks right up there with my obsession for Flav-o-ice popsicles. You're probably dying to know what it is.'s Cheddar popcorn. Seiferts to be exact. OMG...I could eat this popcorn like its my job. I probably have a corn stalk growing in my stomach as we speak.
All those years of watching the Price is Right finally paid off!!!! My bloggy friend Girlville had a contest to guess how much she sold at her greats aunt's estate sale. Seeing as how I've never been to an estate sale I honestly had no true Sarah guess was $1. You know...from Price is Right. I won, I won, I won!!! YAYAYAYAYAY me!!!!! I am so greatful for my bloggy friends!!!
Well...I guess that's all for tonight. I really thought I had more to say than this...but guess not. :(
I have an obsession. A horrible obsession. A very very fattening obsession...but this one ranks right up there with my obsession for Flav-o-ice popsicles. You're probably dying to know what it is.'s Cheddar popcorn. Seiferts to be exact. OMG...I could eat this popcorn like its my job. I probably have a corn stalk growing in my stomach as we speak.
All those years of watching the Price is Right finally paid off!!!! My bloggy friend Girlville had a contest to guess how much she sold at her greats aunt's estate sale. Seeing as how I've never been to an estate sale I honestly had no true Sarah guess was $1. You know...from Price is Right. I won, I won, I won!!! YAYAYAYAYAY me!!!!! I am so greatful for my bloggy friends!!!
Well...I guess that's all for tonight. I really thought I had more to say than this...but guess not. :(
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Book Club...
So today a girl I work with asked me if I'd want to be in a book club with her. I've always longed to have a purpose in life. Okay, a purpose isn't exactly what I mean. I just mean that I have never in my adult life been a part of something. My momma is in stamping clubs, and bunko clubs, and reading club, and garden club, and day lilly club...and I, her 31 year old daughter have nothing. My mom is cooler than I am. There are so many things I would LOVE to do but I am the kind of person that needs guided. I don't take the initiative to do those things on my own. For example, I'd love to take a basic cooking class, or take dancing lessons, or go to a stamp club, or take a painting class, or a sign language class (that one is particularly important to me because Casey's daughter is autistic and I have read/heard that autistic children sometimes communicate by sign language), or so many other things. I have always known people that are in book clubs and it always seemed so fun but they were usually older than I was and we probably wouldn't have been on the same page (no pun intended) with our choices of books. Its going to be nice to have something for me in my life. I don't really have anything that's mine. I blog, but that's just because I love to write. I tailgate...but come on...that's not really a "thing". This will be something that holds me accountable...and I love that. So...the first book will be The Doctors Wife. I know my bloggy friend Pam is a huge reader so maybe she can give me suggestions or reviews. I have already done my due diligence and have called the library and it's on reserve for me to pick up tomorrow. My momma will be so proud of me. No wasting money on buying books (it's one thing if it's a book you love and will read several times over). I was trying to figure out what book I could pick...although my turn probably won't be until at least after April. I guess it does no good to pick a book now when all the good books will have changed by the time it's my turn. but...I did find this great website...and I think I am going to set a challenge for myself. This website is a list of 100 top book club books. My goal is to have read at least half by this time next year...if not all. I am a slow reader...and I have a tendency to lean more towards tv than books, but I'd like to get away from that and read more. The #1 book on their list is The Help which my momma's book club is reading. Momma loved it, so maybe after The Doctors Wife I'll get that one. We'll see.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Any of you heard of The Company Store? And if so...any comments about it???
And stupid question...but what is the difference in a coverlet and a quilt???
And stupid question...but what is the difference in a coverlet and a quilt???
Please excuse the randomness but this will be an uber random/long post.
Three nights ago I was getting ready for bed and I took Reese out to potty one last time before we went to bed. Reese, much like her mother, has the attention span of a gnat, and when she sees something she is easily distracted from the task at hand. On the way inside Reese started growling and barking at my patio. I turned and noticed a shadow, which I then realized was a black cat. Knowing that Reese thinks she's much tougher than she actually is, I quickly dragged her inside and closed the door. I have never seen a cat running around and I've lived here for over a year so this was kind of weird. I looked out my blinds on the patio and the cat was gone so I looked out my front window at my door and she was sitting on the front porch. This particular night it was super cold outside. I put Reese in her cage and went outside to see the cat. Now...let me interject a few points before I continue. I have owned three cats in my life. Once as a child and two on my own will as an adult. All three cats were loving...not like a good majority of cats that are stuck up and snobby (non-cat people know what I'm talking about). However, sometime in my old age I became allergic to animals...both dogs and cats...however cats wreak much more havoc on my allergies than dogs because it's actually the saliva (yes, I've done my research) that causes the allergies and cats are constantly licking themselves. So needless to say, with the allergies came a dislike for cats. Well that and I also in my old age began not liking animals that shed. Luckily for me, Reese is a single layer fur dog and she never sheds...ever. I digress. I went outside and this was the prettiest cat ever. I literally FELL in love. She (I am calling her a she although I'm not sure of the sex) was all black with these yellowish eyes. I actually sat on my sidewalk in my t-shirt and sweats and couldn't stop petting her...and I never pet cats because if I do there goes the eyes and nose. She just purred and purred like she was in Heaven. And she'd circle around my back and rub her head on my leg. I got up and walked to the front of my building. The precious cat followed right at my feet. I was kind of hoping it would get some sixth sense and realize where it's home was...but no such luck. Kitty followed me all the way back to my apartment...not missing a beat. If all cats were like this cat (personality wise) I would love them all...despite my allergies. I felt horrible because I wasn't sure what to do with Kitty. I had no litter box and couldn't bring her in because Reese would flip her I left her outside and quickly came in to call farmer-esq boyfriend. Casey said that whatever I do...don't feed the cat otherwise I will be the proud owner of a cat and dog. I asked if I could go back out and pet the cat some more and he said that was fine...just no food. When I went back outside...the cat was gone. :( That was a long story for nothing.
So I have decided (feel free to steal my idea...i have yet to copyright it) to start what I'm calling a "new months resolution". Each month I am going to make a resolution to make a change in my life. November's resolution is to TRY to stop worrying about things that I can not control. I can thank the two marketing girls at work for this. These two girls, both in their early twenties are fairly new. Their job description says that they are to work 45 hours. Well unfortunately for me I sit next to a window so I see when everyone comes and goes. They should be coming in at 9 and leaving at working events. Instead they come in at 9:15-9:30 and leave at 5:00-5:30...and take an hour lunch. Now I'm sorry...but how is that not supposed to be frustrating?? This has bothered me (obviously) a long time...then yesterday I decided I was done keeping tabs. They're not my responsibility so I'm not going to worry about it. I can't control it. And what good is going home mad every day and then dwelling on it all night?? So my resolution is to only worry about the things I can change and not worry about the things I can't. December's resolution is to stop complaining. Not sure what January will hold for me. I'll keep you apprised of how this is going for me.
A few weeks ago I started listening to Christmas music at work. I never realized that it's virtually impossible to be in a bad mood when you're listening to Christmas music. Granted anyone that walked by my desk would harass me for getting into the Christmas spirit before Halloween but as far as I was concerned, if they didn't like it, the world was a pretty big place and they could find someplace else to go. This has also led me to the decision that I am going to make this the best Christmas ever. I am not going to stress this year about getting the right presents. I'm not going to stress about going to the mall. I'm simply going to take the time to enjoy the season. I'm going to take the time to reflect on what Christmas is about. I'm going to give to charity, and give to every bell ringer I see...even if it is just a nickel or two. After all...doesn't it feel better to give than receive? I think we have all lost sight of what the true meaning of Christmas is about. It's about love...not about who got the newest version of an IPod. It's about giving...not about getting. I can honestly say that this is the first year I could actually come up with a laundry list of things I'd like for Christmas, but that being said...I'd really just like a new camera (because taking pictures is a passion of mine) and that's it. Sure a new perfume would be nice...but I have perfume. Sure a new blanket would be nice...but I have blankets...and a snuggie. I think this year I'd like to maybe do something different. Maybe I'll ask for donations to charities. Or maybe I'll tell people not to get me anything at all. I'm not really sure. I just feel like I'm about as blessed in my life as one person could be and I'm not sure that another trinket will really matter to me as much as maybe a new toy would matter to a child that's going without. I'm not trying to be a humanitarian...but over the last week I have come to realize what a difference a kind word can mean to another person...which leads me to my last and final random topic.
I answered the phone the other day and this lady was on the other end of the phone. She had the most beautiful southern accent (I LOVE southern accents). I asked if she was from North Carolina (I could tell by her area code) and she said yes, and asked me how I knew. I went on to tell her that I could tell by her accent. We ended up talking for 2o minutes. Just a random stranger and I. I mentioned how I'd always wanted to live in NC...preferably Charlotte because its an amazing city. At the end of our conversation she told me she wanted to get my name and number and she wanted to give me hers. She said she wanted me to come down and stay with her and her family anytime. They have a 5 bedroom house and only two bedrooms are being used. She said they'd help me in anyway that she could. I learned more from this woman in the period of 20 minutes than I know about some of my friends I've known for 6 months. As we were getting off the phone she told me how great it was to talk to me and she could just tell I was a wonderful person. It was after that that I realized how a simple word can make a friendship. My daddy never knew a stranger. In fact it would drive me crazy because we couldn't go anywhere without him talking to someone. Just a random someone. And sometimes these talks would lead to correspondence. And my daddy would never forget a person. If he meets someone on vacation you better believe he'll be going back to that same place the next year to see if they're still there. While it gets annoying at times it's also one of the neatest things about my father. He knows no stranger...but I know that his letter, cards, poems or emails have touched most if not all of the people that have been blessed to come in contact with my him I can't help but stop and think sometimes what an amazing world we'd be in if everyone took a little more time to make someones day. Just a hello could touch a person...but it seems like we're all too busy to exchange that one word. Maybe that will be my January resolution. Maybe I too can change a persons life!
Three nights ago I was getting ready for bed and I took Reese out to potty one last time before we went to bed. Reese, much like her mother, has the attention span of a gnat, and when she sees something she is easily distracted from the task at hand. On the way inside Reese started growling and barking at my patio. I turned and noticed a shadow, which I then realized was a black cat. Knowing that Reese thinks she's much tougher than she actually is, I quickly dragged her inside and closed the door. I have never seen a cat running around and I've lived here for over a year so this was kind of weird. I looked out my blinds on the patio and the cat was gone so I looked out my front window at my door and she was sitting on the front porch. This particular night it was super cold outside. I put Reese in her cage and went outside to see the cat. Now...let me interject a few points before I continue. I have owned three cats in my life. Once as a child and two on my own will as an adult. All three cats were loving...not like a good majority of cats that are stuck up and snobby (non-cat people know what I'm talking about). However, sometime in my old age I became allergic to animals...both dogs and cats...however cats wreak much more havoc on my allergies than dogs because it's actually the saliva (yes, I've done my research) that causes the allergies and cats are constantly licking themselves. So needless to say, with the allergies came a dislike for cats. Well that and I also in my old age began not liking animals that shed. Luckily for me, Reese is a single layer fur dog and she never sheds...ever. I digress. I went outside and this was the prettiest cat ever. I literally FELL in love. She (I am calling her a she although I'm not sure of the sex) was all black with these yellowish eyes. I actually sat on my sidewalk in my t-shirt and sweats and couldn't stop petting her...and I never pet cats because if I do there goes the eyes and nose. She just purred and purred like she was in Heaven. And she'd circle around my back and rub her head on my leg. I got up and walked to the front of my building. The precious cat followed right at my feet. I was kind of hoping it would get some sixth sense and realize where it's home was...but no such luck. Kitty followed me all the way back to my apartment...not missing a beat. If all cats were like this cat (personality wise) I would love them all...despite my allergies. I felt horrible because I wasn't sure what to do with Kitty. I had no litter box and couldn't bring her in because Reese would flip her I left her outside and quickly came in to call farmer-esq boyfriend. Casey said that whatever I do...don't feed the cat otherwise I will be the proud owner of a cat and dog. I asked if I could go back out and pet the cat some more and he said that was fine...just no food. When I went back outside...the cat was gone. :( That was a long story for nothing.
So I have decided (feel free to steal my idea...i have yet to copyright it) to start what I'm calling a "new months resolution". Each month I am going to make a resolution to make a change in my life. November's resolution is to TRY to stop worrying about things that I can not control. I can thank the two marketing girls at work for this. These two girls, both in their early twenties are fairly new. Their job description says that they are to work 45 hours. Well unfortunately for me I sit next to a window so I see when everyone comes and goes. They should be coming in at 9 and leaving at working events. Instead they come in at 9:15-9:30 and leave at 5:00-5:30...and take an hour lunch. Now I'm sorry...but how is that not supposed to be frustrating?? This has bothered me (obviously) a long time...then yesterday I decided I was done keeping tabs. They're not my responsibility so I'm not going to worry about it. I can't control it. And what good is going home mad every day and then dwelling on it all night?? So my resolution is to only worry about the things I can change and not worry about the things I can't. December's resolution is to stop complaining. Not sure what January will hold for me. I'll keep you apprised of how this is going for me.
A few weeks ago I started listening to Christmas music at work. I never realized that it's virtually impossible to be in a bad mood when you're listening to Christmas music. Granted anyone that walked by my desk would harass me for getting into the Christmas spirit before Halloween but as far as I was concerned, if they didn't like it, the world was a pretty big place and they could find someplace else to go. This has also led me to the decision that I am going to make this the best Christmas ever. I am not going to stress this year about getting the right presents. I'm not going to stress about going to the mall. I'm simply going to take the time to enjoy the season. I'm going to take the time to reflect on what Christmas is about. I'm going to give to charity, and give to every bell ringer I see...even if it is just a nickel or two. After all...doesn't it feel better to give than receive? I think we have all lost sight of what the true meaning of Christmas is about. It's about love...not about who got the newest version of an IPod. It's about giving...not about getting. I can honestly say that this is the first year I could actually come up with a laundry list of things I'd like for Christmas, but that being said...I'd really just like a new camera (because taking pictures is a passion of mine) and that's it. Sure a new perfume would be nice...but I have perfume. Sure a new blanket would be nice...but I have blankets...and a snuggie. I think this year I'd like to maybe do something different. Maybe I'll ask for donations to charities. Or maybe I'll tell people not to get me anything at all. I'm not really sure. I just feel like I'm about as blessed in my life as one person could be and I'm not sure that another trinket will really matter to me as much as maybe a new toy would matter to a child that's going without. I'm not trying to be a humanitarian...but over the last week I have come to realize what a difference a kind word can mean to another person...which leads me to my last and final random topic.
I answered the phone the other day and this lady was on the other end of the phone. She had the most beautiful southern accent (I LOVE southern accents). I asked if she was from North Carolina (I could tell by her area code) and she said yes, and asked me how I knew. I went on to tell her that I could tell by her accent. We ended up talking for 2o minutes. Just a random stranger and I. I mentioned how I'd always wanted to live in NC...preferably Charlotte because its an amazing city. At the end of our conversation she told me she wanted to get my name and number and she wanted to give me hers. She said she wanted me to come down and stay with her and her family anytime. They have a 5 bedroom house and only two bedrooms are being used. She said they'd help me in anyway that she could. I learned more from this woman in the period of 20 minutes than I know about some of my friends I've known for 6 months. As we were getting off the phone she told me how great it was to talk to me and she could just tell I was a wonderful person. It was after that that I realized how a simple word can make a friendship. My daddy never knew a stranger. In fact it would drive me crazy because we couldn't go anywhere without him talking to someone. Just a random someone. And sometimes these talks would lead to correspondence. And my daddy would never forget a person. If he meets someone on vacation you better believe he'll be going back to that same place the next year to see if they're still there. While it gets annoying at times it's also one of the neatest things about my father. He knows no stranger...but I know that his letter, cards, poems or emails have touched most if not all of the people that have been blessed to come in contact with my him I can't help but stop and think sometimes what an amazing world we'd be in if everyone took a little more time to make someones day. Just a hello could touch a person...but it seems like we're all too busy to exchange that one word. Maybe that will be my January resolution. Maybe I too can change a persons life!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Ah...the internet...what a funny thing you are...
So my mom sent me one of those forwarded emails. This one actually happened to be really good. In fact, it was very good. It's one of those that makes you reflect. Now...I did as I always do when I get these emails...I research them. After all...I like to verify the authenticity of said email. The email my mom sent said the person that wrote this was 90...when in fact I was surprised to find out she was actually only 53. Apparently math is hard for someone out there in cyberspace. I will paste the actual contents of the email below...but I am also pasting a link...basically about all the emails this lady got about being 90.
Brett's 45 life lessons and 5 to grow on
By Regina Brett
May 28, 2006, 10:13AM
To celebrate growing older, I once wrote the 45 lessons life taught me.
It is the most-requested column I've ever written. My odometer rolls over to 50 this week, so here's an update:
1. Life isn't fair, but it's still good.
2. When in doubt, just take the next small step.
3. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.
4. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
5. Pay off your credit cards every month.
6. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.
7. Cry with someone. It's more healing than crying alone.
8. It's OK to get angry with God. He can take it.
9. Save for retirement starting with your first paycheck.
10. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile.
11. Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present.
12. It's OK to let your children see you cry.
13. Don't compare your life to others'. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
14. If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn't be in it.
15. Everything can change in the blink of an eye. But don't worry; God never blinks.
16. Life is too short for long pity parties. Get busy living, or get busy dying.
17. You can get through anything if you stay put in today.
18. A writer writes. If you want to be a writer, write.
19. It's never too late to have a happy childhood. But the second one is up to you and no one else.
20. When it comes to going after what you love in life, don't take no for an answer.
21. Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie. Don't save it for a special occasion. Today is special.
22. Overprepare, then go with the flow.
23. Be eccentric now. Don't wait for old age to wear purple.
24. The most important sex organ is the brain.
25. No one is in charge of your happiness except you.
26. Frame every so-called disaster with these words: "In five years, will this matter?"
27. Always choose life.
28. Forgive everyone everything.
29. What other people think of you is none of your business.
30. Time heals almost everything. Give time time.
31. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
32. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends will. Stay in touch.
33. Believe in miracles.
34. God loves you because of who God is, not because of anything you did or didn't do.
35. Whatever doesn't kill you really does make you stronger.
36. Growing old beats the alternative - dying young.
37. Your children get only one childhood. Make it memorable.
38. Read the Psalms. They cover every human emotion.
39. Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere.
40. If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back.
41. Don't audit life. Show up and make the most of it now.
42. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful.
43. All that truly matters in the end is that you loved.
44. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.
45. The best is yet to come.
46. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.
47. Take a deep breath. It calms the mind.
48. If you don't ask, you don't get.
49. Yield.
50. Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift.
This is the funny article she wrote about all the emails she got.
Brett's 45 life lessons and 5 to grow on
By Regina Brett
May 28, 2006, 10:13AM
To celebrate growing older, I once wrote the 45 lessons life taught me.
It is the most-requested column I've ever written. My odometer rolls over to 50 this week, so here's an update:
1. Life isn't fair, but it's still good.
2. When in doubt, just take the next small step.
3. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.
4. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
5. Pay off your credit cards every month.
6. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.
7. Cry with someone. It's more healing than crying alone.
8. It's OK to get angry with God. He can take it.
9. Save for retirement starting with your first paycheck.
10. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile.
11. Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present.
12. It's OK to let your children see you cry.
13. Don't compare your life to others'. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
14. If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn't be in it.
15. Everything can change in the blink of an eye. But don't worry; God never blinks.
16. Life is too short for long pity parties. Get busy living, or get busy dying.
17. You can get through anything if you stay put in today.
18. A writer writes. If you want to be a writer, write.
19. It's never too late to have a happy childhood. But the second one is up to you and no one else.
20. When it comes to going after what you love in life, don't take no for an answer.
21. Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie. Don't save it for a special occasion. Today is special.
22. Overprepare, then go with the flow.
23. Be eccentric now. Don't wait for old age to wear purple.
24. The most important sex organ is the brain.
25. No one is in charge of your happiness except you.
26. Frame every so-called disaster with these words: "In five years, will this matter?"
27. Always choose life.
28. Forgive everyone everything.
29. What other people think of you is none of your business.
30. Time heals almost everything. Give time time.
31. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
32. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends will. Stay in touch.
33. Believe in miracles.
34. God loves you because of who God is, not because of anything you did or didn't do.
35. Whatever doesn't kill you really does make you stronger.
36. Growing old beats the alternative - dying young.
37. Your children get only one childhood. Make it memorable.
38. Read the Psalms. They cover every human emotion.
39. Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere.
40. If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back.
41. Don't audit life. Show up and make the most of it now.
42. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful.
43. All that truly matters in the end is that you loved.
44. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.
45. The best is yet to come.
46. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.
47. Take a deep breath. It calms the mind.
48. If you don't ask, you don't get.
49. Yield.
50. Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift.
This is the funny article she wrote about all the emails she got.'s been awhile since my last blog. With all the fun stuff to do on Facebook it seems like blogging is a thing of the past. Well it's time to resurrect it. :) I'm bringing blogging back...
Not much has changed. I'm still dating Casey and he's absolutely amazing. My momma always asks me why I married Chris...and quite frankly I don't know...but besides the fact that I think there's a reason for everything, I really don't know that I'd appreciate what an amazing man Casey is if I hadn't experienced what I did when I was married. I don't think that we're given anything we can't handle...and I think that we learn from everything we encounter. I will never forget something my boss said to me awhile ago...he said "Sarah, you are never going to be happy because you believe in a fairytale and that simply doesn't exist." You know what...I thought he might be right...after I got done crying and dried my tears. Then I met Casey. Casey became my friend long before either of us ever thought about dating. I think that's why this is different...why it will last. I made a best friend before I ever had a boyfriend. After all...isn't friendship the foundation to any stable, good relationship?? I am not in any way exaggerating this...he's my prince charming. He's everything I could have ever asked for in a relationship...and so much more. He's the one. Sometimes you just know...and I know. Yay for that!!! I have never had a guy open my car door, or fill my car up with gas and get me a car wash, or make sure my tires have air, or get me roses...just because, or write me a poem, or clean my kitchen, or go to the store when I'm sick and buy me not only medicine...but a snuggie, or take my dog out and walk her...for no reason. I have never had a guy buy my dog a doggie home so that she has a nice, safe, cat-free place to sleep when she goes to his house...or a guy that would run clear across a major street in traffic and around a pond just to get my dog...that once again got off her leash...and once again ran around another pond (you'll read about that in the next paragraph) (even I couldn't keep up with her...but he ran like his life depended on it). I have never had these things...and for that...I will never take them for granted...and I'll appreciate them always. I had always seen happy parents, my friends...but I was never sure I'd be one of them. After all...hadn't I already had my chance at that? Now I know what it's like.
Okay...enough mushyness!!!
Reese is still a little terror!!! I bought her a new collar for Christmas. It's so cute. It has a snowman that lights up. Or should I say "had" a snowman that lit up...until the battery somehow came off. At any was very, very cute. Unfortunately it's a little too big. I didn't think much of it...until Monday. I took her out and was trying to get her to come back in...and she escaped from the collar...and proceeded to run all the way around the pond (which isn't exactly small) and over into the apartment buildings clear across the complex. And THEN she proceeded to run up to some poor guy just trying to get out of his car and bark at him like the little 10 pound dog that she is was going to attack him or something. As much as I would have loved to run after her it was not going to happen in my boots with heels. UGH... I finally caught her...and gave her a stern lecture all the way back to my apartment. If anyone saw me they probably thought I was crazy. I had already decided if she went in the pond after the ducks that little dog was on her own. I have seen what lives in that pond and I was NOT going in there. that's a lie. IF Reese had gone in the pond and was struggling I would rescue her...but I would not be happy about it. The only upside to that would be that maybe the firemen that are next door would come and rescue me. :)
My parents came up last weekend and met Casey. Yes...we're back on Casey again. I was so worried about what they'd think about him. I wanted them to love him as much as I do. We went to dinner Thursday night with him and then he came back over for a little while. He also come over Saturday and we went to lunch with him. My parents said they really liked him...which was good...but I wanted them to LOVE him. And then it happened. My mom called me on Monday and said "oooohhhh Sarah (in what could only be described as a happy, very high pitched voice)...your father and I were talking and we both just love Casey." That made my night...which was not the best to begin with after the Reese debacle. Casey really liked my parents too which was great. He got a big kick out of them. After all...they are delightfully adorable.
Well I guess that's about all the updates I have for tonight! I will try and blog more frequently. I miss my bloggy friends!
Stay classy San Diego!!!! Hee hee...I hope someone gets that reference.
Not much has changed. I'm still dating Casey and he's absolutely amazing. My momma always asks me why I married Chris...and quite frankly I don't know...but besides the fact that I think there's a reason for everything, I really don't know that I'd appreciate what an amazing man Casey is if I hadn't experienced what I did when I was married. I don't think that we're given anything we can't handle...and I think that we learn from everything we encounter. I will never forget something my boss said to me awhile ago...he said "Sarah, you are never going to be happy because you believe in a fairytale and that simply doesn't exist." You know what...I thought he might be right...after I got done crying and dried my tears. Then I met Casey. Casey became my friend long before either of us ever thought about dating. I think that's why this is different...why it will last. I made a best friend before I ever had a boyfriend. After all...isn't friendship the foundation to any stable, good relationship?? I am not in any way exaggerating this...he's my prince charming. He's everything I could have ever asked for in a relationship...and so much more. He's the one. Sometimes you just know...and I know. Yay for that!!! I have never had a guy open my car door, or fill my car up with gas and get me a car wash, or make sure my tires have air, or get me roses...just because, or write me a poem, or clean my kitchen, or go to the store when I'm sick and buy me not only medicine...but a snuggie, or take my dog out and walk her...for no reason. I have never had a guy buy my dog a doggie home so that she has a nice, safe, cat-free place to sleep when she goes to his house...or a guy that would run clear across a major street in traffic and around a pond just to get my dog...that once again got off her leash...and once again ran around another pond (you'll read about that in the next paragraph) (even I couldn't keep up with her...but he ran like his life depended on it). I have never had these things...and for that...I will never take them for granted...and I'll appreciate them always. I had always seen happy parents, my friends...but I was never sure I'd be one of them. After all...hadn't I already had my chance at that? Now I know what it's like.
Okay...enough mushyness!!!
Reese is still a little terror!!! I bought her a new collar for Christmas. It's so cute. It has a snowman that lights up. Or should I say "had" a snowman that lit up...until the battery somehow came off. At any was very, very cute. Unfortunately it's a little too big. I didn't think much of it...until Monday. I took her out and was trying to get her to come back in...and she escaped from the collar...and proceeded to run all the way around the pond (which isn't exactly small) and over into the apartment buildings clear across the complex. And THEN she proceeded to run up to some poor guy just trying to get out of his car and bark at him like the little 10 pound dog that she is was going to attack him or something. As much as I would have loved to run after her it was not going to happen in my boots with heels. UGH... I finally caught her...and gave her a stern lecture all the way back to my apartment. If anyone saw me they probably thought I was crazy. I had already decided if she went in the pond after the ducks that little dog was on her own. I have seen what lives in that pond and I was NOT going in there. that's a lie. IF Reese had gone in the pond and was struggling I would rescue her...but I would not be happy about it. The only upside to that would be that maybe the firemen that are next door would come and rescue me. :)
My parents came up last weekend and met Casey. Yes...we're back on Casey again. I was so worried about what they'd think about him. I wanted them to love him as much as I do. We went to dinner Thursday night with him and then he came back over for a little while. He also come over Saturday and we went to lunch with him. My parents said they really liked him...which was good...but I wanted them to LOVE him. And then it happened. My mom called me on Monday and said "oooohhhh Sarah (in what could only be described as a happy, very high pitched voice)...your father and I were talking and we both just love Casey." That made my night...which was not the best to begin with after the Reese debacle. Casey really liked my parents too which was great. He got a big kick out of them. After all...they are delightfully adorable.
Well I guess that's about all the updates I have for tonight! I will try and blog more frequently. I miss my bloggy friends!
Stay classy San Diego!!!! Hee hee...I hope someone gets that reference.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Playing Catch Up
I am not sure if it's the medicine...or just having to go to the emergency room...but today I have been extremely emotional. But in a good way. I feel very grateful. I want to tell all those I love how much I love them...and I don't want to take things for granted. No one wants to, i know that, but in our busy daily lives, it's hard sometimes to just stop and think...or stop and smell the roses.
So last Sunday I started having cramps. But these weren't the normal cramps...and trust me...i have VERY bad cramps for a week a I know all about those. Then my stomach was distended. So I had a distended stomach and constant pain. It was a fullness feeling. Yesterday after lunch I was sitting at my desk...and all of a sudden the pain become overwhelming. I couldn't figure out what to do. I couldn't sit, so I tried to stand. Standing wasn't the way to go either. By this time it was after 3:00 and I called my doctor. Of course they couldn't get me in. I was advised to go to the ER. So I went upstairs and one of the girls told me she'd take me to the hospital. Of course I started to cry because the thought of being alone scares the crap out of me...but also because at that moment in time all I wanted was to have my family here...and then on top of all that I already started compiling the massive hospital bill in my head. I decided that I couldn't take it anymore and I decided to let the intern take me. Poor, sweet girl. She's 18 and that was her last day. She wasn't just any intern though...she was the owners niece. I was shocked at how quickly I got back into registration. Granted there was no one in the waiting room. It was the craziest experience. In registration I was hit with a barrage of questions from every angle. Three different people all asking questions at once. Good head was spinning. The PA and nurse were great. The PA's name was Sarah and the nurse was Jacque. Kind of comical because I'm Sarah and my friend is Jackie. What are the chances? They told me they wanted to give me some medicine and asked if I was allergic to anything. I told them I wasn't...because at the time I didn't know I was. I was given an injection of morphine and Phenergin (sp?). A few minutes later I see some I say to the nurse "ummm excuse it bad that I have to have these bumps on my arm?" She laughed and said "oh sweetie...those are's not good." Next I get an injection of Benedryl. I have a CT scan, and blood tests. Then the PA comes in and tells me the "good news"...they can't find anything wrong. Blood tests all look great. CT scan showed nothing. Bad news...they have no idea what's wrong with me. Where's Dr. House when you need him??? By this time I just wanted something to be wrong with me so I would know i wasn't crazy. The next thing was the ultra sound. Turns out there was a portion of my ovary not getting blood to it. This is not a good thing. They think it's the cyst that is causing it to not get blood. Thank God...otherwise I'd have to have my ovary removed...which would devastate me. I want kids more than anything and that would make it so much harder. Not to mention I'm already old for having children. I was written a prescription for Vicoden and released. My sweet little intern friend took me to CVS and I got plenty to drink (non-alcoholic...don't worry) and my prescription and went home. I was worried about how I'd react to the medicine so I was taking one at a time. It said take 1-2. I didn't want it to make me I stuck to 1. Today however I took 2...and what a difference 2 makes. Takes the pain away for the most part...and make me sleepy.
So anyway...all day today I've felt the need to tell everyone how much they mean to me. It's a great feeling...and I hope to keep it.
Thanks so much to all those that read my blog!! You are all great!!!
So last Sunday I started having cramps. But these weren't the normal cramps...and trust me...i have VERY bad cramps for a week a I know all about those. Then my stomach was distended. So I had a distended stomach and constant pain. It was a fullness feeling. Yesterday after lunch I was sitting at my desk...and all of a sudden the pain become overwhelming. I couldn't figure out what to do. I couldn't sit, so I tried to stand. Standing wasn't the way to go either. By this time it was after 3:00 and I called my doctor. Of course they couldn't get me in. I was advised to go to the ER. So I went upstairs and one of the girls told me she'd take me to the hospital. Of course I started to cry because the thought of being alone scares the crap out of me...but also because at that moment in time all I wanted was to have my family here...and then on top of all that I already started compiling the massive hospital bill in my head. I decided that I couldn't take it anymore and I decided to let the intern take me. Poor, sweet girl. She's 18 and that was her last day. She wasn't just any intern though...she was the owners niece. I was shocked at how quickly I got back into registration. Granted there was no one in the waiting room. It was the craziest experience. In registration I was hit with a barrage of questions from every angle. Three different people all asking questions at once. Good head was spinning. The PA and nurse were great. The PA's name was Sarah and the nurse was Jacque. Kind of comical because I'm Sarah and my friend is Jackie. What are the chances? They told me they wanted to give me some medicine and asked if I was allergic to anything. I told them I wasn't...because at the time I didn't know I was. I was given an injection of morphine and Phenergin (sp?). A few minutes later I see some I say to the nurse "ummm excuse it bad that I have to have these bumps on my arm?" She laughed and said "oh sweetie...those are's not good." Next I get an injection of Benedryl. I have a CT scan, and blood tests. Then the PA comes in and tells me the "good news"...they can't find anything wrong. Blood tests all look great. CT scan showed nothing. Bad news...they have no idea what's wrong with me. Where's Dr. House when you need him??? By this time I just wanted something to be wrong with me so I would know i wasn't crazy. The next thing was the ultra sound. Turns out there was a portion of my ovary not getting blood to it. This is not a good thing. They think it's the cyst that is causing it to not get blood. Thank God...otherwise I'd have to have my ovary removed...which would devastate me. I want kids more than anything and that would make it so much harder. Not to mention I'm already old for having children. I was written a prescription for Vicoden and released. My sweet little intern friend took me to CVS and I got plenty to drink (non-alcoholic...don't worry) and my prescription and went home. I was worried about how I'd react to the medicine so I was taking one at a time. It said take 1-2. I didn't want it to make me I stuck to 1. Today however I took 2...and what a difference 2 makes. Takes the pain away for the most part...and make me sleepy.
So anyway...all day today I've felt the need to tell everyone how much they mean to me. It's a great feeling...and I hope to keep it.
Thanks so much to all those that read my blog!! You are all great!!!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
******EDITED*****New Foods
I have found the most amazing granola bar on the face of the earth. However, I can't seem to find anyone to try it. They are True Delights by Quaker Oats...and I must say...they truly are delightful!!! So after reading this I want you to run as fast as you can to the nearest grocery store. So??? Why are you still here reading this?? Okay can finish reading because I have more cool stuff to talk about. 
I have come to the realization that I LOVE cheese. Cheese and I could be best friends. Now I'm not so much a fan of the the sliced singles cheese...because quite frankly it's just blech. I recently discovered my new favorite gem of a cheese...Baby Bel. This is made by Laughing Cow...which I do love. A new girl at work was talking about how delicious Baby Bell cheese was...but I must sayI was a skeptic. It's cheese...and cheese is cheese. Boy was I wrong. I decided to buy some and give them a whirl. I happen to like cheese and apples so that's how I ate it. To say that it was love at first bite is a bit of an understatement. I can't even describe this cheese. It was a bolder, thicker version of the creamiest cream cheese you could ever have. Wow. So good! And it was particularly delicious with apples. 

And lastly on the food front. Has anyone ever watched Bizarre Foods? I am addicted to this show. Granted when Andrew eats bugs it makes my stomach churn...but it has given me this desire to try funky foods. I recently gave Argentinian food a try. It's a mixture of French, Spanish, and Italian. I wasn't overly impressed...but that could have had more to do with my selection and the restaurant...not necessarily the cuisine. My next adventure is going to be trying Tapas. We have a Tapas restaurant, but the food isn't nearly as exciting and weird as I saw on the Spanish edition of Bizarre Foods.
Well I think that's about all for now. I really urge you to try those granola bars!!
Friday, July 17, 2009
Global warming or global cooling???
I'm sorry...but can someone refresh my memory. It is July...right?? That's what I thought...but by having to wear a sweatshirt or coat you sure would think it's more like September or October. I know it's Indiana...but come on. What is up with this weather? I know, I could be much worse. We could have a drought, or a foot of snow...and I'm quite thankful that neither of those is the case. Tomorrow I think the high is 7o and the low is 54. Really?? 54??? It would actually be fantastic if I could open my windows and get a nice breeze but here are a few reasons why that is not possible.
1. My screen door came off the track a few weeks ago...and being the lazy one that I am, I haven't had time to call maintenance and have them come out. (i tried to get it back on...but it was not working)
2. My kitchen window has apparently been painted shut by one of the lovely painters. Apparently in this economy people can't waist the money on painters tape. Who knew?? What's next...people won't be able to spare a square???
3. My bedroom window is open...but there is a slight problem with the screen and it wouldn't take much more than a push to get in (sure hope none of you are stalkers) :)
4. I live on the bottom floor in the back of an apartment building and I'm the only entrance in the back...and i'm by a pond. Something about being a single female that lives alone on the bottom floor just makes me all kinds of paranoid. Luckily though...I do live right next to a fire I am sure some hunky fireman will come to my aide if needed.
5. Because the rest of the house is so warm, and because the AC unit is conveniently located right outside my window it makes it a bit noisy.
So there you have it. AC it is. Not that Reese the vicious 12 pound guard dog won't nip at a burglers ankles...but I'm pretty sure that won't deter them.
Tomorrow I'm crossing my fingers that the weather is at least not raining. I actually really enjoy jeans and sweatshirt weather...just without the rain. I'm going with the secret someone to a co-worker/friend's b-day luau. And really ladies...what screams luau more than jeans and a sweatshirt. Guess I'll have to save my grass skirt and seashell bikini top for next year. I'm really excited and I can't wait actually!! Come to think of it...rain might be better than being in the sun for me. I don't think I fully facebooked about it...but a few weeks ago I went to the pool with a wee bit too much sun (only a couple hours worth)...and ended up with second degree burns on my bad that my legs were twice their normal size...and I couldn't walk. NICE!! So sun is no bueno for me!!! Yes, I know...there is this great stuff called sunscreen...I am just stupid. Maybe if my legs had ever been exposed to the sun this wouldn't have been a problem...but since I don't think they've seen the sun since I came out of the womb they are slightly...well let's just say they glow they're so white.
Well it's time for bed. I think I've facebooked and blogged all I can for one evening. Time to go read my new Glamour magazine. Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!!
1. My screen door came off the track a few weeks ago...and being the lazy one that I am, I haven't had time to call maintenance and have them come out. (i tried to get it back on...but it was not working)
2. My kitchen window has apparently been painted shut by one of the lovely painters. Apparently in this economy people can't waist the money on painters tape. Who knew?? What's next...people won't be able to spare a square???
3. My bedroom window is open...but there is a slight problem with the screen and it wouldn't take much more than a push to get in (sure hope none of you are stalkers) :)
4. I live on the bottom floor in the back of an apartment building and I'm the only entrance in the back...and i'm by a pond. Something about being a single female that lives alone on the bottom floor just makes me all kinds of paranoid. Luckily though...I do live right next to a fire I am sure some hunky fireman will come to my aide if needed.
5. Because the rest of the house is so warm, and because the AC unit is conveniently located right outside my window it makes it a bit noisy.
So there you have it. AC it is. Not that Reese the vicious 12 pound guard dog won't nip at a burglers ankles...but I'm pretty sure that won't deter them.
Tomorrow I'm crossing my fingers that the weather is at least not raining. I actually really enjoy jeans and sweatshirt weather...just without the rain. I'm going with the secret someone to a co-worker/friend's b-day luau. And really ladies...what screams luau more than jeans and a sweatshirt. Guess I'll have to save my grass skirt and seashell bikini top for next year. I'm really excited and I can't wait actually!! Come to think of it...rain might be better than being in the sun for me. I don't think I fully facebooked about it...but a few weeks ago I went to the pool with a wee bit too much sun (only a couple hours worth)...and ended up with second degree burns on my bad that my legs were twice their normal size...and I couldn't walk. NICE!! So sun is no bueno for me!!! Yes, I know...there is this great stuff called sunscreen...I am just stupid. Maybe if my legs had ever been exposed to the sun this wouldn't have been a problem...but since I don't think they've seen the sun since I came out of the womb they are slightly...well let's just say they glow they're so white.
Well it's time for bed. I think I've facebooked and blogged all I can for one evening. Time to go read my new Glamour magazine. Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
I'm back and I'm new!!!
Well I'm not new...but my blog is. I am back...FINALLY!!! No, for real this time!!! I finally feel at a place in my life worth blogging about. I have come to realize that blogging was a huge passion of mine...that I lost...but now the passion is renewed and I feel like writing again. A few bumbs in the road between then and now...but learning experiences none the less.
As you can tell, I changed my blog address. Same template (blah) as the old one...but new name. It's actually my real name. Shhhh...don't tell anymore. :) I needed to lose the old name because it was no longer a part of who I was. I needed to get out with the old and in with the older.
I have greatly missed all my bloggy friends. Very much so. I adore you all and hope to get you all back!!!
So very much has changed in my life over the last 7 months. The divorce was final in December. I had a boyfriend...just broke up with him...and I have someone that I'm incredibly fond of. He shall remain nameless for the time being.
I feel like I have so much to say and not even sure where to being. I finally got wireless for my I am sure I'll be blogging daily...and if not, pretty close.
I can't wait to finally share my life once again with all of you. I think I'll start tomorrow as there's not much to say today!!
Oh...and if anyone has any good book recommendations, please let me know!!
p.s. - for all those wondering, I still have my wonderful dog Reese. I am sure I'll be sharing plenty of misadventures about her too!!
As you can tell, I changed my blog address. Same template (blah) as the old one...but new name. It's actually my real name. Shhhh...don't tell anymore. :) I needed to lose the old name because it was no longer a part of who I was. I needed to get out with the old and in with the older.
I have greatly missed all my bloggy friends. Very much so. I adore you all and hope to get you all back!!!
So very much has changed in my life over the last 7 months. The divorce was final in December. I had a boyfriend...just broke up with him...and I have someone that I'm incredibly fond of. He shall remain nameless for the time being.
I feel like I have so much to say and not even sure where to being. I finally got wireless for my I am sure I'll be blogging daily...and if not, pretty close.
I can't wait to finally share my life once again with all of you. I think I'll start tomorrow as there's not much to say today!!
Oh...and if anyone has any good book recommendations, please let me know!!
p.s. - for all those wondering, I still have my wonderful dog Reese. I am sure I'll be sharing plenty of misadventures about her too!!
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