Thursday, November 12, 2009

Book Club...

So today a girl I work with asked me if I'd want to be in a book club with her. I've always longed to have a purpose in life. Okay, a purpose isn't exactly what I mean. I just mean that I have never in my adult life been a part of something. My momma is in stamping clubs, and bunko clubs, and reading club, and garden club, and day lilly club...and I, her 31 year old daughter have nothing. My mom is cooler than I am. There are so many things I would LOVE to do but I am the kind of person that needs guided. I don't take the initiative to do those things on my own. For example, I'd love to take a basic cooking class, or take dancing lessons, or go to a stamp club, or take a painting class, or a sign language class (that one is particularly important to me because Casey's daughter is autistic and I have read/heard that autistic children sometimes communicate by sign language), or so many other things. I have always known people that are in book clubs and it always seemed so fun but they were usually older than I was and we probably wouldn't have been on the same page (no pun intended) with our choices of books. Its going to be nice to have something for me in my life. I don't really have anything that's mine. I blog, but that's just because I love to write. I tailgate...but come on...that's not really a "thing". This will be something that holds me accountable...and I love that. So...the first book will be The Doctors Wife. I know my bloggy friend Pam is a huge reader so maybe she can give me suggestions or reviews. I have already done my due diligence and have called the library and it's on reserve for me to pick up tomorrow. My momma will be so proud of me. No wasting money on buying books (it's one thing if it's a book you love and will read several times over). I was trying to figure out what book I could pick...although my turn probably won't be until at least after April. I guess it does no good to pick a book now when all the good books will have changed by the time it's my turn. but...I did find this great website...and I think I am going to set a challenge for myself. This website is a list of 100 top book club books. My goal is to have read at least half by this time next year...if not all. I am a slow reader...and I have a tendency to lean more towards tv than books, but I'd like to get away from that and read more. The #1 book on their list is The Help which my momma's book club is reading. Momma loved it, so maybe after The Doctors Wife I'll get that one. We'll see.

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