Wednesday, April 13, 2011

TSA pat down

I had to rant about this...and I really didn't know what avenue to do it.  Facebook doesn't allow me enough characters for a proper rant!  So I saw this clip today.  Now, I understand the little girl is 6.  And in our country most 6  year olds don't pose a huge threat...although I have seen my fair share of 6 year olds that scare me...but there are some countries where a 6 year old can probably shot a gun...and shoot it well.  Here's my issue.  In watching the video...I saw nothing inappropriate with the pat down.  It was a female TSA agent patting down a little girl.  The scene in Crash where the lady get's a pat THAT is going over the line...and that is abuse...but this?  Maybe if I were a parent I would feel differently.  And I know that I am usually playing the devil's advocate but come on.  One person in the message board compared it to rape.  SERIOUSLY?  In that case. Those TSA agents should ALL go to jail for the rest of their lives...because in a sense they are "raping" every single person they pat down.  In all cases, there is a right and wrong way to do things.  Had this employee done something that wasn't protical, or had she done something that wasn't standard for all pat downs then I would say up in arms...but she did her job. 

Why is it that the people that complain about things like this are the same people that complain about having to have a body scan.  Here's a thought...don't like it...don't fly.  Pretty freaking simple.  I am sure there are plenty of lovely rental car places that would just love to rent you a nice Ford Taurus.  And those same people are the ones that would say the goverment isn't doing their job if a terrorist did get through security and on to a plane and we had ourselves another 9/11. 

So let me help you out...Don't want to get a pat down at the airport??

1.  Don't fly
2.  Find a way to have world peace
3.  Drive
4.  Take a train.  I hear scenery is beautiful this time of year.
5.  Take a Greyhound.  At least that way you can complain about the person sitting next to you that hasn't showered in a month.  But you didn't get a pat down. 

I'm off my soapbox now.  It's just infuriating to me th at people make life a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation. 

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