Sunday, September 19, 2010

Not much to report this you can tell by the lack of bloggage.  :)  I'm awake at 8:27...that right there is something to report.  Little girl wet the bed so she and I are hanging out.  Actually she's eating dry cereal and I'm writing this. 

One thing new is that Casey bought me a Kindle.  I LOVE it.  I didn't realize how bad the IPod made my eyes hurt.  I do remember thinking several times when reading books on my ITouch that I thought my eyes were getting bad.  I admit.  I was skeptical of the Kindle.  I thought it was silly...until I realized how much easier it was for me to read a book electronically.  For those that have never seen a Kindle, it's kind of impossible to explain.  The pages looks fake.  It looks like a real book.  In fact, when I turned it on for the first time and the screen came up I tried to peel what I thought had to be a sticker off the front becasue there was no way that it was the actualy screen.  It's amazing!!!! 

I am at my wits end with Madison.  No, not with Madison...more with Madison's mom.  Two weekends in a row she has come home with a small rash right on her chest.  Now, a rash could be anything...but I suspect it's a rash from having been fed either something with gluten or casein...and that will typically cause a rash on the child.  I have seen soooo much progress in her from before we started the diet.  She's a totally different child.  Before she wouldn't eat, or even try ANYTHING that wasn't hot dogs, chicken nuggets, or french fries for dinner.  She did eat vegetables, and fruit but she wouldn't dare eat spaghetti, pork, grilled chicken, etc.  Now she'll eat whatever we give her.  Granted there is often still hesitation...and a lot of the time she doesn't like what she's given.  She is not a fan of hummus or sauerkraut but she would eat it.  She doesn't stare off into space like she used to.  She will maybe a little bit but she is much more in the present and far less in a fog.  Before the diet she would run home and change into her pj's.  She refused to wear her normal clothes when she was home.  She definitely wouldn't sleep in clothes.  Now she keeps her normal clothes on until bath time and she sleeps in clothes.  Before this diet she wouldn't take cough syrup (I can't blame her there...I won't either), or any medicine unless it was mixed VERY well in a drink...and even then she'd spit it out half the time.  Now she'll drink it straight out of the cup...again, she doesn't like it but she does it.  She's talking so much more now...and her pronounciation is far more clear.  Her dark circles are not nearly as bad as they used to be...and they're usually only bad when she hasn't slept - ie: when she goes to her mom's house.  So the changes are outstanding.  Now, that being said...keeping her on this diet is very hard.  We have to read every single label.  It's time consuming and expensive since most of the things she can eat are way more pricey than a normal processed food.  Her supplements are expensive.  If we gave her every supplement she needs we would easily spend between $100-$150 a month for her supplements alone.  This is a lot of money...which we have no problem paying for the betterment of Madison...however when I feel like her mom isn't following the diet it makes me want to quit.  The diet is no good to Madison unless its followed 100% percent, 100% percent of the time.  If you give a child that's allergic to peanuts, peanut butter guess's going to have an adverse affect.  Would you give a diabetic a candy bar?  Would you give a recovering alcoholic a beer??  Well the answer to all these questions is no...not if you want them to live, and you want them to be healthy.  If only I could shelter her at all times and keep all the bad things away...this would be a lot easier. 

Well I guess that's all I have for right now. 

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