Thursday, February 17, 2011


I will not have my feelings hurt if NONE of you read this…but I need to vent. Bad!! Days like today I wish I still smoked!

I’m feeling incredibly negative today so here’s just some of the things irking me at the moment.

Dear Copper Wire Steeler: Please do not expect us to feel sorry for you when you get electrocuted to death stealing the wire on top of a building…but thanks for clearing up the city of one less worthless criminal.

Next time wear rubber shoes

Dear Peyton Manning:
I know that the entire city of Indianapolis thinks you hang the moon. I however am not convinced. If you are so strapped for cash that you have to make the Colt’s pony up more money to keep you then here’s my advice. Start winning the Superbowl every year and earning that big paycheck. That actually goes for all sports people…but I’m talking specifically to you Peyton. Stop asking others who have FAR less money than you to donate to the United Way…when you my friend could buy an entire country. I am pretty sure you could fund the entire United Way for the next 50 years. Stop saying you are here for your fans and the people…not that I’ve actually heard you say that but if you ever have…stop. You’re not here for the fans…you’re here for the money. Meanwhile, the rest of us busting our butts 8-5 52 weeks a year only to live paycheck to paycheck and can’t we still can’t afford your football tickets. So please…by all means…whether you go some place else, or you stay…don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

Frustrated tax payer paying way too much for a stadium I can’t ever afford to go to.

I just want to say that with the growing rate of murders this year in Indianapolis, no one should be surprised. How often is there a murder where the person was actually an upstanding citizen…besides Officer Moore…or the child of someone not quite so upstanding?? If you associate with drug dealers, gangs, gang bangers, rapists, etc…be forewarned that you might end up dead by one of your “friends”. K, thanks!

And one more thing. If I ask you to do something, or for something, and you know you have no intention of fulfilling said request…please just say no thank you or you aren’t interested. If you say yes, I will bug and hound you until said request happens!

Whew…I wish I could say that made me feel better…but it didn’t. I’m still annoyed.

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