Friday, April 29, 2011

Sarah the conquerer

As you may or may not know, I live next to a corn field.  Living next to a corn field provides all kinds of fun excessive dust, and mice.  When I first moved in with the BF...I wasn't aware of such things.  I remember the first time I found a mouse.  I started crying hysterically and I went outside and stood by my car until the bf came home.  He probably thought someone had just died by how I was crying...and I guess since the mouse was dead when I saw it, that's partly true.  Obviously he was used to having visitors and while he did his best to be sympathetic...I know he thought I was being a tad bit ridiculous.  That was a year and 3 months ago.  Since then, I have calmed down...a little.  If a caught one I was now able to remain fairly calm and not have to leave the house hyperventalating.  Don't get me's not like we have mice all over the place...just one or two here and there.  But...the reason I am even telling this story is because I am proud to say I have conquered the mice!!  a couple days ago I saw some remnants of a mouse in Reese's empty food dish.  I was SO not having I got out every trap I could find...and baited them...with what I am pretty sure is the miracle mouse catcher...Marshmallow cream.  It's delicious...and sticky all in one.  The next day I woke up...and I caught one.  It was like a tiny little victory I was so happy.  I felt like I had won!  However I checked another trap and another mouse was taunting me by licking off all the cream...and walking away.  So I reset my traps...and now it's this fun game of "cat"  (aka - sarah) and mouse (aka Jerry the mouse).  The first thing I do when I get home is check the traps to see if I have any prizes.  This morning I had another one in the trap!  I think it might have been the marshmallow licker from the previous trap!  I know, Mice are gross...which is why the bf says my real victory will be if I can ever take them and dispose of them.  I am SO NOT there yet.  The BF is in charge in that department.  He will kill me if he finds out I wrote about this...good thing he's not a blog follower.  :) 

So M. has been sick for over a week.  It started last Friday when I realized she had a temperature...which was weird because I really saw no symptoms other than the fact that she looked like she had gotten hit with a brick truck.  Poor little thing was exhausted.  However, over the week her symptoms started to show and she lost her fever.  we actually kept her home the last three days because I'm not all about sending a sick kid to school to infect all the other kids.  You're welcome teachers!!  It's so hard with M. because she can't tell us what hurts.  All I know from what I can gather on my own is that she has a constant runny nose...and a horrible cough.  Wednesday night I had to watch her because the BF had to work late (poor guy had to work until almost 11).  I was tired, but didn't want to go to bed because she wouldn't stop coughing.  In tired desperation I pulled out all the stops and tried every "remedy" I had heard of.  In case you're playing at home...let me tell you what did NOT work.  ALL OF THEM.  ie: Vicks Vapor Rub on the bottom of feet with socks.  Nope.  Check that off the list of successes.  Hot water with honey and lemon.  Nope...didn't work either.  Okay, so how about just honey.  Nope...she was still coughing.  Finally I settled on some Vicks on her chest.  It didn't work either but figured it wouldn't hurt.  So much for all those silly "home remedies".  the great part about all this is I woke up this morning with a sore throat.  I figured it was because I snored a lot last night or something and thought it would go away.  No such luck.  I have that whole "cloudy, achy head" thing going on...and the sore throat is still there.  YIPEE!!  Way to spend my weekend.  Good thing I don't have any parties...and we are childless. 

I signed up about a month ago for email alerts from  I am not sure who this Brad person is...but he's got some amazing deals on things!  I decided to purchase Rolling Stone for $4.  Now...this is stupid because over the last couple years, since I actually am more of an avid reader (of books), I have lost my magazine obsession.  And...I'm not into rock music so it's kind of pointless.  However, I got one yesterday and decided to flip through it.  That is when I came across an article that truly made me sick.  Normally when I read things that are terribly upsetting it bothers me...but doesn't leave me feeling sick.  This article actually turned my stomach.  I get that there's always a few bad apples in the bunch...and it shouldn't ruin the reputation of all the good people that are out there.  But this is heinous and should be treated as such.  Don't talk poorly of a terrorist if you are going to in essence be one.  If you choose to read the article, please note there are some very graphic pictures. 

I guess that's all for today! 

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Fantastic Recipe!!

It's not every day that I try a new recipe and the BF LOVES it. Normally he likes them...but I made one last night and he actually said he wanted it added to the weekly rotation! CRAZY!! I found it from the newest blog I stalk Danica is a fellow WW and she always has great recipes! This particular one was made with meatless in that regard I'm surprised the BF raved about it as much as he did. In fact, I don't think he would have been able to tell had I not let him in on the little secret! Are you ready for the recipe??

5 Ingredient Enchilada Skillet

1/2 cup onion, chopped
12 oz Morningstar Farms® Veggie Frozen Burger Style Recipe Crumbles
8 corn tortillas, cut into 1 inch squares
8 oz low-fat cheddar or colby cheese
16 oz Enchilada Sauce

1. Spray a nonstick skillet with cooking spray and heat over medium heat. Brown onion for 2-3 minutes.
2. Add veggie crumbles, sauce, tortillas and half the cheese. Heat to a boil. Cover and cook for 5 more minutes.
3. Remove from heat and top with cheese.
Makes six 1 cup servings, 5 points+ each

I kind of had to start over this Monday because this weekend wasn't exactly WW friendly.  It's so hard when you have no willpower, and the person you live with isn't on a diet...or interested in being on a diet.  Don't get me wrong.  He WILL eat what I cook...but he doesn't watch what he eats outside of Friday when he said "do you want Mexican"...the no willpower thing go the best of me and I said yes.  Oh well...starting fresh as of yesterday. 
One of my dear friends is having surgery on Thursday and has asked me if I would come check on her and make sure she's still alive.  So of course I said yes.  I asked her what she'd like me to bring her to eat...and she said Long John Silvers.  I quickly let her know that I must love her because I would never go to LJS while dieting.  I LOVE LJS.  But, being the good WW that I am, I quickly researched the NI so I too could eat LJS!!  I think for one piece of fish and one chicken plank it would be 12 I mine as well just spring for 2 pieces of fish for 14.  Of course that only leaves me 15 points for the rest of the day...and with my newest coffee addiction there goes now I'm at 12.  Good thing I haven't used up all my extra points.  I'm still waiting for them to come out with the skinny pill.  You that's safe and actually works. 

I was reading in First Magazine that Whey is the way to go.  Ha ha... Apparently whey helps with weight loss.  Not sure how reliable that is...but I did find it funny that they did a study and showed that people that drank two meal replacement shakes a day lost more weight than those that didn't.  Well no kidding.  Of course they lost more weight...they are essentially only eating one meal.  That's super for people that don't like food...but then again if you are a person that doesn't like food I doubt you have a weight problem. 
Well that's all for now.  I get to have my fantastic leftovers for lunch in 15 minutes.  Yay!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Come to the darkside...we have grapes!

I know what you're thinking.  Is she seriously going to talk about grapes again??  Yes, but only for a second so its okay.  :)  It seems I have started quite the following with my grape addiction.  I am thinking about starting my own cult.  Maybe I'll call it the Concord Cult.  And heck, I already live in a commune...or is it a compound??  so I'm one step ahead!!  Instead of drinking the Kool Aid we can have grape juice??  Okay, I'll leave that last part out of the deal! You see, every day I bring my precious grapes to work.  So one day last week NGB (Nerdy/Geeky Boy...and he will now be referred) was questioning I made him had him try one.  And low and powers of being an evil genius worked...and the next day he actually came and asked me if I brought more.  And of course M. is a huge fan.  Somewhere, probably on a WW message board, I read that people dip them in sugar free jello and then freeze and it tastes like I tried it.  Let me tell you my discoveries.
1.  It stains your fingers (although it was awesome to watch M. eat them last night.  It made quite the mess but she enjoyed it...and I enjoyed watching her. (you should have seen her fingers)
2.  It tastes like gelatin...not like candy!!  IF I ever try this venture again, I will use kool-aid! 
Let me just tell you what I made last night.  It's actually the second time I have made it but I have perfected my talents!!  I found out that dieting doesn't have to suck...there are tasty's just a matter of finding them!!  Let me introduce you to my new bff!!  
This, my dear readers is a Flatout Pizza!  I didn't use the nugget pepperoni...I used real life sized Turkey Pepperoni.  So here's what you do.

  1. Heat over to 450.  (I made it on a pizza stone so I let that heat up too)
  2. Take a Flatout wrap and and place on stone (or on rack).
  3. Bake for approximately 5-7 minutes (flipping once)
  4. Take out and top with pizza sauce (we used genero spaghetti sauce), next top with turkey pepperoni, and lastly cheese. 
  5. I used the low fat mozzarella and also a couple of the babybel bonbels. 
 I think I probably cooked it for 10 minutes...but until it was all brown and toasty!  It was the point that I would actually pass up real pizza if Casey got it, and not feel cheated!  So good in fact, I'm making it again tonight! 

I have a party tonight and one tomorrow.  I don't foresee either of them being any good...but hopefully I'll have fun!!  I am taking tomorrow off for some much needed R&R...although there won't be much maxin and relaxin because I have a mountain of laundry to catch up on due to the two nights of bed wetting. Saturday night I came home from the not so fun party and I had to feed the cats.  So I did.  Then I go back out (mind you, it was cold) and there's a raccoon trying to eat their food.  I scared him off.  Well, I scared him up the tree.  That little sucker was NOT afraid of anything.  He kept trying to come back.  I yelled at him, threw my bubble wand at him...all to no avail.  I stayed outside as long as I could stand...and waited for the cats to finish eating.  This leads me to my story.  About a week ago Casey bought a Raccoon trap.  Now before you go oohing and awwwing, those little (although adorable) creatures wreck havoc on our lives.  We can't take the trash out because they rip it open and go through it.  That is not fun.  He set it up Sunday and by Monday he had his first visitor.  I didn't get to see it but I saw a picture and it was so cute.  I was really hoping to pay my respects to it but his dad had already taken it down by the river (no, not in a Van - only the SNL people will think that's funny) to release it.  :(  I guess Casey caught another one last night.  Poor little guys!  I'm torn about my feelings for such an adorable little thing.  At least they aren't being harmed.  (I don't need any letters from PETA).  I like to think of it as Raccoon Witness Protection!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Another day...another dollar (that title has nothing to do with anything)

So very many things to cover in this post...and so little time. I really think they need to implement a 7 hour lunch break, and one hour of work!!  Now THAT would be my kind of day!!

It's day two in the life of a pseudo Weight Watcher.  I'm still working on finding filling foods.  Just a hint...celery is NOT filling.  Plus this whole week my eating schedule has been out of whack because the other girl that is in my office is at the other hospital, so I have to take my lunch an hour later than normal...which I actually prefer, but the hour difference is kind of like jet lag for my tummy!  Last night I made a whole chicken in my new Pampered Chef Deep Dish Covered Baker.  (In hind sight...and with the diet, I now realize that this was a colossal waste of money) A whole chicken in the microwave for 30 minutes...and's done.  Granted I'm not Martha Stewart, but it was a 5lb chicken, and it surely didn't seem to produce very much meat.  BTW...the process of the whole chicken is absolutely disgusting.  Almost makes me want to be a vegetarian.  Almost, I said!! 

Yesterday was all kinds of busy.  I got home from work.  Boxed up all my Pure Romance packages that I had to send out, printed up labels, and somehow made it to the post office by 6:50 with child in tow.  She was very well behaved...but really what kind of shenanigans can one get into at the post office?  I actually also received a Pure Romance package of a few things I ordered...and guess what was in the box??  No, I'm not talking about the stuff I ordered.  I also got $300 in free product for hitting the fast track level 3.  YAY me!!!  That is a big accomplishment.  That means I have sold over $3600 in 90 days.  Not too bad for someone that has very few parties.  Level 4, which is the last level is going to be tricky.  I think it's $6000 in 120 days. 

I mentioned that last night was busy but part of the busyness was doing laundry.  M. has wet the bed two nights in a row.  This has actually been happening rather frequently lately and we have no idea why.  So three loads of laundry later, and I still haven't actually touched the clothes.  I think I need to research bed wetting. 

I have officially decided tonight I'm not doing ANYTHING.  Yep, that's a lie, which I realized as soon as I finished typing that last sentence.  I have to do 3 more loads of laundry tonight since she wet the bed again.  But, other than that...I'm not doing anything.  Besides cooking dinner. 

So the girl that doesn't like coffee has a new addition.  It's all my co-workers fault for mentioning this.  Of course I had to come home and try it...which I ended up making iced...because really if a beverage isn't on it, it's not worth drinking.  Needless to say, I'm not addicted.  It was so good I fixed one yesterday to take to work.  I actually felt full all the way through until lunch yesterday.  Does coffee fill you up??  (and just as an FYI I did count the points for it).

I just have to truly don't realize how much actually goes in your mouth until you write down every BLT.  No, not the sandwich.  Bite, Lick, Taste.  So depressing!!!  Even my stupid Kool Aid water pack singles are points.  :(

I guess that's about all the exciting things I can contain in one post.  :)  Happy Wednesday!! 

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Adventures in dieting...and other ranting ramblings...

Okay so this is technically week two of the big diet adventure...but I'm really saying it's week one since I just officially signed up for WW online yesterday.  Man...I haven't mastered the art of feeling full.  I have, however mastered the art of feeling like I'm going to gnaw my own arm off.  Then again...that would probably be too many points plus.  WHY is it so easy to gain wait...and yet so incredibly hard to lose it.  And why, oh why must food taste so good??  I have decided to no longer buy things in which I can't stop myself from eating.  The problem lies in the fact that I have replaced popsicles with frozen grapes.  Good, right??  Seeing as how fruits and veggies are no longer points...I can eat all I want.  Nope...that's where it gets ya.  You eat until you're satisfied.  Okay, so what about when you're in my case...and you're never satisfied??  I could probably eat my way through a vineyard of grapes (wine works too) and still want to eat more.  What's funny is we ran out of grapes on Sunday...and I swear it's like I was having withdrawals from frozen grapes yesterday.  So much so that I bought three bags at Kroger...and I'll probably go back tomorrow and get more.  They are on sale for 98 cents...which is super cheap for grapes.  I need to buy a freezer dedicated solely to them.  But I guess my problem is...if I'm eating all these is it really any better than my plethora of popsicles? Grapes have calories too. 

I am trying to eat smaller portions and have periodic healthy snacks throughout the day.  Can anyone guess what my afternoon snack consists of??  Grapes??  You guessed it!!  Sometimes it consists of string cheese instead.  They say protein helps you feel full longer.  You know what I think??  I think string cheese is just a tease.  Oh well...It will get better...and I know once I drop a pants size, or see a change in the scale I'll feel more encouraged. does one successfully diet and not want to eat an appendage?? 

On another note...

Remember the "nerdy/geek" person I wrote that lovely letter to??  Well I have more to say.

Dear "that person",
I understand that you are always out to make yourself look smart...and feel smart.  Remember...we have had this discussion of how you put others down to bring yourself up? So...when I read you one of the daily calendar pages from my "Butter my butt and call me a biscuit" calendar, I don't need you to tell me that it's not proper grammar.  And let me list the reasons why.

1.  The calendar is calendar is called "butter my butt and call me a biscuit".  Really...what did you expect.
2.  I don't give a flying eff if it's grammatically correct or not.
3.  If I wanted to get an english lesson then I would enroll in school...and get a diploma. 
4.  Remember...there was a time when "OMG", "LOL", "drama queen", "soul patch", "waterboarding", and "unfriend" weren't actually words but guess what...they're now in the dictionary. 

I'm not your student

Friday, April 15, 2011


I have been pondering a few things...and I have a letter to a no named person. 

Let's say you have a friend and they start dating someone.  If you and said someone don't get along...OR if the someone doesn't like you...does it matter??  Because a friend said it doesn't matter.  This person said I don't have to like the person my friend dates...or that the person doesn't have to like me.  I disagree.  I feel it's kind of a big deal.  Because after all...isn't the beauty of adult friendships to hang out with other couples...generally your friends??  How awkward and terribly unfun is it to hang out with people that don't get along...or who refuse to hang out with you??  Thoughts???

And here's my letter. 

Dear self proclaimed "Nerdy Geeky" boy,
I get it.  Maybe you were picked on, or bullied in school and now you hate all people you assume are "like" the offender.  Well I was picked on too.  I know what it's like to come home from school crying every day.  I know what it's like to hold on to that hostility.  I get it.  However, not everyone that is stereotypical "non-nerdy/geeky" person is like that.  Not every football player is your stereotypical Jock.  Some can actually be nice.  However, what I think you fail to realize is that YOU have now become the bully.  You are now the picker oner.  (I realize that is not a word).  You intellectually demean others to make yourself feel better about the expense of others.  It's not an admirable quality. 

I truly know that you are a good person.  You actually have times when you are quite enjoyable, and fun, and one could possibly like you as a friend.  But for your own sake, and the sake of so many others...stop looking down on everyone that isn't like you. 

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

It's electric...boogy woogy woogy

You'd think it's winter outside or something but lately my hair has had quite the case of static.  I can't so much as run my hand through my hair without looking like I had my finger in the light socket.  What is causing all this static?  Do I need to start to tumble dry before leaving my house??

But...on another note...I am IN LOVE with a new shampoo and conditioner.  You see...I was introduced to Morrocan Oil at my first hair appointment at Flirt Salon.  I loved the smell, and how shiney and pretty it made my hair.  What I didn't like was the $40 price tag.  Well I recently read in one of my many magazines that there is a shampoo and conditioner made with Morrocan Oil...but it's by Organix.  It was pricey compared to my normal cheap shampoo...but it left my hair smelling amazing...and oh so shiney!!  I highly recommend using this. 

And on a slightly random note...I found the most awesome website today.
Go there and check it out!!

TSA pat down

I had to rant about this...and I really didn't know what avenue to do it.  Facebook doesn't allow me enough characters for a proper rant!  So I saw this clip today.  Now, I understand the little girl is 6.  And in our country most 6  year olds don't pose a huge threat...although I have seen my fair share of 6 year olds that scare me...but there are some countries where a 6 year old can probably shot a gun...and shoot it well.  Here's my issue.  In watching the video...I saw nothing inappropriate with the pat down.  It was a female TSA agent patting down a little girl.  The scene in Crash where the lady get's a pat THAT is going over the line...and that is abuse...but this?  Maybe if I were a parent I would feel differently.  And I know that I am usually playing the devil's advocate but come on.  One person in the message board compared it to rape.  SERIOUSLY?  In that case. Those TSA agents should ALL go to jail for the rest of their lives...because in a sense they are "raping" every single person they pat down.  In all cases, there is a right and wrong way to do things.  Had this employee done something that wasn't protical, or had she done something that wasn't standard for all pat downs then I would say up in arms...but she did her job. 

Why is it that the people that complain about things like this are the same people that complain about having to have a body scan.  Here's a thought...don't like it...don't fly.  Pretty freaking simple.  I am sure there are plenty of lovely rental car places that would just love to rent you a nice Ford Taurus.  And those same people are the ones that would say the goverment isn't doing their job if a terrorist did get through security and on to a plane and we had ourselves another 9/11. 

So let me help you out...Don't want to get a pat down at the airport??

1.  Don't fly
2.  Find a way to have world peace
3.  Drive
4.  Take a train.  I hear scenery is beautiful this time of year.
5.  Take a Greyhound.  At least that way you can complain about the person sitting next to you that hasn't showered in a month.  But you didn't get a pat down. 

I'm off my soapbox now.  It's just infuriating to me th at people make life a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation. 

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Just in time...

So Spring has sprung...and so have I.  Into action that is.  I am officially about the heaviest I have ever been and I am NOT enjoying it.  Therefore, I am going to change my lifestyle.  Notice I didn't say the dreaded "d" word.  It's about eating healthy.  I learned over the last three or four days that the key to surviving is:
1.  Don't buy things that are low fat that you know you won't limit.
2.  Find food and recipes that you will actually enjoy eating.  So far I have found several.

See, number one is key because I bought ww ice cream sandwiches...and I had popsicles.  However if you eat 8 popsicles (oh that's nothing for me) in one evening then the fact that they have low calories doesn't exactly count...because when you're eating 8 that adds up.  I have since decided that when this box of ice cream all their delicious glory, is gone I won't get anymore.  I will just have to find something else to eat...that I may not gorge myself on. 

For dinner last night we had quesadillas.  I got the idea from here only I used white instead of whole wheat.  So basically it's one tortilla (I used the medium size - bigger than taco, smaller than quesadilla), cut up a red pepper (free on ww p+ now), cut up an onion (also free I believe), spinach leaves, ham (I bought the small ham pieces already cut up (it was 4 servings and it was 1.5 grams of fat per not bad), and the most amazing (seriously...I am SOOOO in love) Babybel Bonbel cheese.  Perfectly portioned incredibleness!!!  So you cut up the onion and cook until "scorched", then add the ham, and red pepper.  Cook about 3 minutes and then put on a plate.  Put a tortilla in the pan and put a little of the cheese (the creator of the recipe shredded hers...I just pulled mine apart) on half and top with the spinach (next time I have to figure out a way to wilt my spinach a little so I can add more), then top with the ham and veggie goodness followed by the rest of the cheese.  Fold the half that isn't covered over and press down.  Then after a couple minutes flip it.  Casey loved it.  I loved it.  I ate it without sour cream...which is a huge deal because I eat a condiment with practically everything.  I'm a dipper!!!  It was awesome!!  Tasted restaurant quality and all low fat.  I am LOVING Laughing Cow and all their cheeses. 

For lunch today...I have a new favorite sandwich that I got from the same website.  She calls it a Poor Mans Egg Sandwich.  All you do is take a hard boiled egg and slice it (I really need to get an egg slicer), then take your bread (I used the new sandwich thins...which are great) and put a thin coat of lite mayo.  I also put a little mustard...then top with your sliced egg and put salt  on it...then put the other piece of bread on top.  I hate pepper but most people would want to put salt and pepper on it.  It was SO tasty and really not that bad for you.  I shall have another tomorrow.

Well that's all for now.  Tonight I have to take my dreaded "before" pictures...WORST!!!  Oh well...I need motivation!!