Friday, April 29, 2011

Sarah the conquerer

As you may or may not know, I live next to a corn field.  Living next to a corn field provides all kinds of fun excessive dust, and mice.  When I first moved in with the BF...I wasn't aware of such things.  I remember the first time I found a mouse.  I started crying hysterically and I went outside and stood by my car until the bf came home.  He probably thought someone had just died by how I was crying...and I guess since the mouse was dead when I saw it, that's partly true.  Obviously he was used to having visitors and while he did his best to be sympathetic...I know he thought I was being a tad bit ridiculous.  That was a year and 3 months ago.  Since then, I have calmed down...a little.  If a caught one I was now able to remain fairly calm and not have to leave the house hyperventalating.  Don't get me's not like we have mice all over the place...just one or two here and there.  But...the reason I am even telling this story is because I am proud to say I have conquered the mice!!  a couple days ago I saw some remnants of a mouse in Reese's empty food dish.  I was SO not having I got out every trap I could find...and baited them...with what I am pretty sure is the miracle mouse catcher...Marshmallow cream.  It's delicious...and sticky all in one.  The next day I woke up...and I caught one.  It was like a tiny little victory I was so happy.  I felt like I had won!  However I checked another trap and another mouse was taunting me by licking off all the cream...and walking away.  So I reset my traps...and now it's this fun game of "cat"  (aka - sarah) and mouse (aka Jerry the mouse).  The first thing I do when I get home is check the traps to see if I have any prizes.  This morning I had another one in the trap!  I think it might have been the marshmallow licker from the previous trap!  I know, Mice are gross...which is why the bf says my real victory will be if I can ever take them and dispose of them.  I am SO NOT there yet.  The BF is in charge in that department.  He will kill me if he finds out I wrote about this...good thing he's not a blog follower.  :) 

So M. has been sick for over a week.  It started last Friday when I realized she had a temperature...which was weird because I really saw no symptoms other than the fact that she looked like she had gotten hit with a brick truck.  Poor little thing was exhausted.  However, over the week her symptoms started to show and she lost her fever.  we actually kept her home the last three days because I'm not all about sending a sick kid to school to infect all the other kids.  You're welcome teachers!!  It's so hard with M. because she can't tell us what hurts.  All I know from what I can gather on my own is that she has a constant runny nose...and a horrible cough.  Wednesday night I had to watch her because the BF had to work late (poor guy had to work until almost 11).  I was tired, but didn't want to go to bed because she wouldn't stop coughing.  In tired desperation I pulled out all the stops and tried every "remedy" I had heard of.  In case you're playing at home...let me tell you what did NOT work.  ALL OF THEM.  ie: Vicks Vapor Rub on the bottom of feet with socks.  Nope.  Check that off the list of successes.  Hot water with honey and lemon.  Nope...didn't work either.  Okay, so how about just honey.  Nope...she was still coughing.  Finally I settled on some Vicks on her chest.  It didn't work either but figured it wouldn't hurt.  So much for all those silly "home remedies".  the great part about all this is I woke up this morning with a sore throat.  I figured it was because I snored a lot last night or something and thought it would go away.  No such luck.  I have that whole "cloudy, achy head" thing going on...and the sore throat is still there.  YIPEE!!  Way to spend my weekend.  Good thing I don't have any parties...and we are childless. 

I signed up about a month ago for email alerts from  I am not sure who this Brad person is...but he's got some amazing deals on things!  I decided to purchase Rolling Stone for $4.  Now...this is stupid because over the last couple years, since I actually am more of an avid reader (of books), I have lost my magazine obsession.  And...I'm not into rock music so it's kind of pointless.  However, I got one yesterday and decided to flip through it.  That is when I came across an article that truly made me sick.  Normally when I read things that are terribly upsetting it bothers me...but doesn't leave me feeling sick.  This article actually turned my stomach.  I get that there's always a few bad apples in the bunch...and it shouldn't ruin the reputation of all the good people that are out there.  But this is heinous and should be treated as such.  Don't talk poorly of a terrorist if you are going to in essence be one.  If you choose to read the article, please note there are some very graphic pictures. 

I guess that's all for today! 

1 comment:

  1. Sarah, Your blog is adorable! I love the header and the whole design. It makes me wish it wasn't still snowing here in Utah!! Thanks for stopping by meals & moves--hope you have a great weekend and I hope M gets feeling better!
