Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Another day...another dollar (that title has nothing to do with anything)

So very many things to cover in this post...and so little time. I really think they need to implement a 7 hour lunch break, and one hour of work!!  Now THAT would be my kind of day!!

It's day two in the life of a pseudo Weight Watcher.  I'm still working on finding filling foods.  Just a hint...celery is NOT filling.  Plus this whole week my eating schedule has been out of whack because the other girl that is in my office is at the other hospital, so I have to take my lunch an hour later than normal...which I actually prefer, but the hour difference is kind of like jet lag for my tummy!  Last night I made a whole chicken in my new Pampered Chef Deep Dish Covered Baker.  (In hind sight...and with the diet, I now realize that this was a colossal waste of money) A whole chicken in the microwave for 30 minutes...and's done.  Granted I'm not Martha Stewart, but it was a 5lb chicken, and it surely didn't seem to produce very much meat.  BTW...the process of the whole chicken is absolutely disgusting.  Almost makes me want to be a vegetarian.  Almost, I said!! 

Yesterday was all kinds of busy.  I got home from work.  Boxed up all my Pure Romance packages that I had to send out, printed up labels, and somehow made it to the post office by 6:50 with child in tow.  She was very well behaved...but really what kind of shenanigans can one get into at the post office?  I actually also received a Pure Romance package of a few things I ordered...and guess what was in the box??  No, I'm not talking about the stuff I ordered.  I also got $300 in free product for hitting the fast track level 3.  YAY me!!!  That is a big accomplishment.  That means I have sold over $3600 in 90 days.  Not too bad for someone that has very few parties.  Level 4, which is the last level is going to be tricky.  I think it's $6000 in 120 days. 

I mentioned that last night was busy but part of the busyness was doing laundry.  M. has wet the bed two nights in a row.  This has actually been happening rather frequently lately and we have no idea why.  So three loads of laundry later, and I still haven't actually touched the clothes.  I think I need to research bed wetting. 

I have officially decided tonight I'm not doing ANYTHING.  Yep, that's a lie, which I realized as soon as I finished typing that last sentence.  I have to do 3 more loads of laundry tonight since she wet the bed again.  But, other than that...I'm not doing anything.  Besides cooking dinner. 

So the girl that doesn't like coffee has a new addition.  It's all my co-workers fault for mentioning this.  Of course I had to come home and try it...which I ended up making iced...because really if a beverage isn't on it, it's not worth drinking.  Needless to say, I'm not addicted.  It was so good I fixed one yesterday to take to work.  I actually felt full all the way through until lunch yesterday.  Does coffee fill you up??  (and just as an FYI I did count the points for it).

I just have to truly don't realize how much actually goes in your mouth until you write down every BLT.  No, not the sandwich.  Bite, Lick, Taste.  So depressing!!!  Even my stupid Kool Aid water pack singles are points.  :(

I guess that's about all the exciting things I can contain in one post.  :)  Happy Wednesday!! 

1 comment:

  1. Almond Joy creamer sounds really good--so how many points is it?? The first few days of really being on a "diet" are the hardest. Soiunds like you are doing good tho. So you microwaved the pampered chef baker????
