Fall is finally upon us. Although I guess technically Fall hasn't fallen yet. I am loving the weather, I just wish we had some rain. The trees are going to skip the pretty fall leaf step and go straight to the falling off tree stage. That's one of the best parts of fall is the colors on the trees. It's bitter sweet, the ending of summer. While fall is great, it means that the warm weather will be going away and the cold will be here before we know it. Such is life I suppose.
And for once in my life…I’m completely at peace. Maybe “peace” isn’t the exact word, but I can’t really find any other that’s a better fit. I am finally at the point in my life where I want to be. I have an amazing boyfriend that would do anything for me. I have FINALLY found the man that I want to spend the rest of my life with. For better…and for worse.
I also have acquired a darling daughter-ish. While she’s not my own child, I raise her just like she was. She has made me question my ability to raise a child…which is one of two dreams I’ve had my whole life. It’s so much harder than babysitting. It's an every day challenge, and she tests me every single step of the way. Despite that, I really want me own...in addition to her. That whole biological clock ticking thing isn't just a myth. It's true. I just want to experience it for myself. While having Madison is wonderful, and I love her like she's my own daughter I think, in fact I know it would be different if she was my own. It's hard with Madison because I have no real say. Casey is great about listening and taking my opinions into consideration, but in the grand scheme of things, I can't really control much of anything. I'm not her real mom. It's a frustrating battle.
Reese is still great...although she has a new favorite parent. She has totally taken to Casey. I'm pretty convinced she loves him more than she loves me. :( Then again...he is the one that always lets her lick his plate...so how can a dog that's obsessed with food not love him.
Yea--you are back!!!