Tuesday, September 7, 2010

At what age should a child be able to write their letters clearly? Madison can’t write her letters at all. Okay, she can write them, just not well. And let me say, it’s not that she CAN’T…its that no one has ever made her do it neatly. After Casey and I sitting with her for an hour working on the letter “A” I can’t help but feel like her school, and her teachers are failing her. Granted she’s in a special education class, but she’s not incapable of learning and I feel like her teachers really must feel like these kids are never going to learn anything so why try…let’s just get them through school. Now before I go placing all the blame on the teachers, it’s equally our fault because we haven’t worked with Madison at home. I’ve been so focused on getting her to talk, and pronounce her letters that I haven’t even bothered to notice that she can’t write properly. It’s so frustrating. She needs to be in a specialized school…oh wait…that requires money. So I have decided if the school won’t teach her, we will. I think the part that gets me the most angry is the fact that I KNOW how smart she is. She’s so capable. But, she’s a 7 year old that is going to try and get away with doing things half way. What 7 year old doesn’t?!?! 

Yesterday we went out in the corn field and picked up the corn that wasn’t collected. I’m going to try my hand at decorating. We de-kernelled the corn and it’s all in a big container. My idea was to get several fall colors of paints and dip them in paint and then fill glass jars with the different colors. However, I can’t figure out how to bring my idea to life. I was originally thinking of getting a sieve, like the kind you would use to sift powdered sugar so that the paint would drip off, but not too much…but I don’t have a sieve. Hmmmm…now I’m perplexed. I hate that I can see in my mind what I want the end result to be I just can’t figure out the equation to get there.

Why is it with every good thing, there’s a downfall? I quit smoking. Yay. However the pills I take to help me quit give me a headache, so I have a headache ALL DAY LONG. I am going on my 4th day of a headache. And I haven’t had any cravings, accept the first day, so I feel “cured”…but I don’t know if I stop taking the medicine if the cravings will come back. I was told by someone at lunch today that I need to take it for at least 3 months.  Let's see...paying $65 a month for a medicine that makes me want to cut my head off.  Good plan. 

I started my next months book club book. It’s called A Stranger Like You by Elizabeth Brundage. I’m not sure how I’m going to feel about it. The first couple pages were just okay…but I should probably give it a little more than a few days I guess. At least I finished my first book club book…which is a feat all in itself!

So about two months ago, I decided to break a behavior that I've had my whole life.  I have been a habitual nail biter since the beginning of time. If there was any white on the nail it didn't really stand much of a chance at existance.  It's a nervous habit...and yes I realize how disgusting it it.  And for two months I have done so well.  But...I am not sure how much longer I can go without smoking, biting my nails, and trying not to pack on 50 pounds from quitting smoking. 

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